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Meet Me at Jimmy's Arcade (Paperback)

Meet Me at Jimmy's Arcade (Paperback)


Bakersfield, California, 1990.

Local high school student Bebe-Lynn Sanders is missing. Each day that passes causes more and more worry for the entire town. She was seen cutting through Quailwood Park on her way to rent a movie the morning she vanished. Her last appearance was later that night outside the popular hangout, Jimmy's Arcade. No one knows where she went. No one knows what happened.

Join mildly-idiotic kids Grant Fieldgrove and Roxy Roxburgh as they stumble, scheme, and steamroll their way through Bakersfield in the late 80s and early 90s, desperately on the hunt for a Nintendo, fake earrings from Miller's Outpost, tickets to see Vanilla Ice at the Civic Auditorium, and the most important of all, the ever-elusive holy grail - a porno mag!

And, oh yeah, Bebe-Lynn.

Meet Me at Jimmy's Arcade is a hilarious and heartbreaking romp through a small California town way back when, filled with nostalgia, humor, and mystery.

Bebe Forever & Long Live the Arcade

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